Giovanni Gavelli è un autore italiano noto per i suoi contributi nei campi dell’ingegneria e dell’ambiente. Ecco alcune informazioni su di lui:

  1. Libri di Giovanni Gavelli:

  2. Carriera e impegno sociale:


Giovanni Gavelli is an Italian physicist known for his extensive work in research, consultancy, training, and updating various fields of physics. He has over 26 years of experience and has conducted more than 2000 risk assessments related to exposure to artificial optical radiation, electromagnetic fields, and explosion risk. His work spans across industrial applications, the environment, healthcare, cultural heritage, and public administration.

Gavelli is also the author of several technical books, including those on electromagnetic pollution and artificial optical radiation. Additionally, he has been involved in social and political activities, having been elected as the secretary of the Communist Party of Italy in Ravenna.



  • Utenti 9
  • Articoli 138
  • Visite agli articoli 44642

Test su Elettrobisturi

Dott. Fisico Giovanni Gavelli - Studio di Fisica Applicata

Via Cento 58 48022 LUGO (Ravenna) 

Cellulare  347 05 32 397 -  P.IVA 02737620399  Codice ATECO: 72.19.09

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